MIRA Channel (also called as Women Mobile Lifeline Channel) is an integrated mobile phone channel to provide health information to rural women and connect them with public health services using mobile phones in low-resource settings. The objective of MIRA is to enable women improve health indicators by self-managing their health and reach towards a larger goal of women empowerment using digital connect. MIRA has multiple sub-channels like Pre-natal care, Child immunization, Newborn care, Family planning and Adolescent health issues with an objective to improve maternal and child health through RMNCH+A approach. Each sub-channel has multiple tools which delivers information to women through interactive edutainment tools by building their knowledge and creating awareness on critical health issues, and ultimately connecting them to the public health services.
Social Impact

People Reached:
850,000+ women, children’s & girls using MIRA

Antenatal Care:
Increase in ANC Visits by 55% (from 23% to 78%, overall Haryana is 42.2%)

Delivery Care :
Increase in Institutional Delivery by 49% (from 32% to 81%, overall Haryana is 49%)

Immunization Coverage:
Increase in Immunization Rate of children 0-5 years by 41% (from 51% to 92%, overall Haryana is 78%)
Direct Impact Indicators
Increase in ANC visits by the pregnant mothers .
Increase in uptake of IFA tablets and TT vaccine.
Increase in institutional deliveries.
Increase in institutional deliveries.
Increase in identifying danger signs early .(just after the birth)
Inculcate healthy habits in communities leading to adopt healthy behaviors.
Consistent deliver of messages by MIRA leads to correct delivery of messages.
Delivery of information through technology tools more acceptable to communities
to adopt healthy behaviors.Monitors the performance indicators of frontline health workers.
Live-data generated through Dashboard helps state to take timely action, leading
to policy level change in health systems.Overall resulting in reduction of MMRs and IMRs in the project areas.